1. What is the Export Firm Support (EFS)?
EFS is a sub-component of the Investment for Industrial Transformation and Employment (INVITE) funded by the World Bank and the Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) comprising the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Sweden.
2. How does the EFS sub-component work?
The EFS sub-component provides financial support to potential and existing exporters to undertake business development services in order to enter new export markets or expand their presence. It upgrades organizational and production capacities and capabilities of firms to enable them to cater to the demand of foreign buyers.
3. What does EFS intend to achieve?
The EFS intends to contribute to the increase of exports through increased knowledge on market requirements and product development.
4. Who qualifies to apply for EFS support?
Manufacturers and semi-manufacturers and exporters or those who are upscaling their products for export.
5. How do I access financial support under the EFS?
The EFS support follows "a call for applications cycle" with at least 4 (four) cycles foreseen during the project lifespan. The EFS provides a reimbursement of up to 80 percent of the firm’s cost of services intended to pay for local export consultants or certification and other forms of technical assistance to implement the export development plan.
6. What activities qualify for funding?
The following activities qualify for funding:
- Export market identification and segmentation.
- Product design and adaptation.
- Product branding, packaging, and labelling.
- Production.
- Installation of standards.
- Target market required standards and certifications.
- Relevant training including market intelligence to target export market.
- Regional and international exhibition/shows.
7. What are the different phases under the EFS?
Phase 1: is the preparation stage covering five months and which involves capacity building of local consulting firms and development of tools and platforms.
Phase 2: is the selection stage over three months from the Expression of Interest (EOI) of participating and local consulting firms.
Phase 3; is the final and implementation stage with ten months of advisory services to participating firms facilitated by both local consulting firms and an international consultation firm.
8. Can I use my own service providers?
Only vetted consultants and whose profile is on the portal will be available for businesses to access.
9. How long should my business have been in operation to qualify for financing?
To qualify for financing a business must be in operation for at least 12 months prior to applying for EFS support.
10. What size must my business be to qualify for financial support?
The firm must have not less than 2 employees and up to at least 250 employees and must pledge to maintain employment levels observed at the time of application.
11. What is the required annual turnover for my business to qualify for financing?
A business should have an annual turnover of between UGX 10 million and UGX 15 billion to qualify for financing under the EFS.
12. Does the location of my business matter when it comes to support?
The EFS will support businesses from all over the country.
13. What documentation is required to qualify for funding?
Eligible enterprises formation registration e.g. certificate of registration, trading licence, audited accounts, business plan, etc. funding under the EFS Sub-component.
14. How many times can I access EFS support?
Enterprises can be supported up to 4 times during the project duration.
15. How long is the evaluation process?
The process of evaluating firms may take up to three months before approval.
16. What is the period between application and disbursement of funds?
This depends on the activity but may take between 6 – 10 months including implementation and reimbursement.
17. What is the maximum funding available to an entity?
The EFS can provide up to a maximum cumulative grant of US$40,000 in the course of the project (up to $10,000 per activity per call).
18. For how long will the EFS support be available?
The EFS sub component has a remaining duration of two years.
19. Can I submit a physical application?
Only online applications are accepted and processed for funding.
20. Where are the EFS offices located?
The Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU), Plot 43, Nakasero Hill Road, Kampala - Uganda.
21. How do I report a complaint?
Any grievances under the project can be reported through the PSFU and INVITE Trust Project Implementation Units (PIU) supported by their E&S teams.